Version Bookkeeping =================== Bulk can be used to sync version of your application to various places in code. Basics ------ Bulk uses regular expressions to find versions in some file. For example, here is how we track versions in typical python project: .. code-block:: yaml versions: # There is usually a version in - file: # this isn't 100% correct as version can end in different quote or # there might be few version parameters in a file, but this is good # enough for many projects, other projects might need to tweak matcher regex: ^\s*version\s*=\s*["']([^"']+)["'] # Also it's a good idea to put library version into # a __version__ attribute of the module itself - file: your_module/ regex: ^__version__\s*=\s*["']([^"']+)["'] Put it in ``bulk.yaml`` and now you can find out version with: .. code-block:: console > bulk get-version 1.3.5 Yes, the first time you've written ```` and ```` you needed to put version yourself. This is usually handled by project boilerplate. Releasing a Project ------------------- If you obey **semantic versioning** in the project version run one of: .. code-block:: console > bulk bump --breaking -g > bulk bump --feature -g > bulk bump --bugfix -g The commands above will increment a major, minor or patch version of your version number, commit the changes with a comment of ``Version bumped to v1.3.6`` and create an annotated tag ``v0.3.6`` by starting an editor and showing you changes since previous tag. You can opt-out commit and tag creation by omitting ``-g`` which is equivalent of longer ``--git-commit-and-tag``. You can also use ``-1``, ``-2`` and ``-3`` which increment the specific component of version. Technically they are are equivalent to above except when version is zero-based ``0.x``. .. note:: in case of ``0.x`` versions the version numbers are shifted. I.e. if you have two zeros numbers ``0.0.x`` any bump with increment a single version. If you have ``0.x.y`` number second component will increment with both ``--breaking`` and ``--feature``. This is how many existing tools handle semver. Use ``-1``, ``-2`` if in doubt or to switch from ``0.x`` versions to ``1.x``. For **date-based versioning** use: .. code-block:: console > bulk bump -dg This will force your version to something like ``v180317.0``. If you will subsequently run this command on the same day you will get ``v180317.1`` and so forth. .. note:: The date here is UTC to avoid issues with different people releasing in different timezones. Another way to update is to use ``set-version``: .. code-block:: console > bulk set-version v1.3.5-beta.1 ./your_module/ (v1.3.5 -> v1.3.5-beta.1) __version__ = '1.3.5-beta.1' ./ (v1.3.5 -> v1.3.5-beta.1) version='1.3.5-beta.1', This is useful to set some pre-release version as you see in example because we don't have a command-line flag for that or in case you have different version format or just want to skip version number for some reason. Building a Pre-Release Project ------------------------------ Everyting above assumes that version is stored in source code and commited to git. Which is true for many tools. But you don't want to commit version for a prerelease version of application. We have a nice command for this use case too: .. code-block:: console > bulk with-version v1.3.6-pre4 your-build-command 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6-pre4 [ .. output of your-build-command .. ] 1.3.6-pre4 -> 1.3.5 This runs build with correct version and ensures that when build is complete you will get no version change in git status. Since the common case is using ``git describe`` for actual version we have a shortcut for that: .. code-block:: console > bulk with-git-version your-build-command 1.3.5 -> 1.3.5-4-gd923e59-dirty [ .. output of your-build-command .. ] 1.3.5-4-gd923e59-dirty -> 1.3.5 (the ``-dirty`` here means you have modified git-tracked files locally) .. note:: The ``git describe`` command is not strictly semver-compatible. I.e. the version ``x.y.z-n`` is treated as lower than ``x.y.z`` and you're supposed to use ``x.y.z+n`` for that. But for now we decided to stick to what ``git describe`` provides for now. We may provide an option to fix that in future, in the meantime you can use ``with-version``. Other Commands -------------- To check if version number is fine (consistent) run: .. code-block:: console > vagga bulk check-version (v1.3.5) version='1.3.5', trafaret_config/ (v1.3.5) __version__ = '1.3.5' It shows you files and lines where version number is present and will fail if there is no version at all or version is inconsistent between multiple files. .. note:: it will **not** show you files and lines which are present in config file but has no version number found. So when adding an entry in ``bulk.yaml`` you should run ``check-version`` and make sure the actual entry exists in the file. To fix inconsistent version run: .. code-block:: console > vagga bulk set-version v1.3.5 --force (v1.3.4 -> v1.3.5) version='1.3.5', trafaret_config/ (v1.2.3 -> v1.3.5) __version__ = '1.3.5' Same restriction for not found version as for ``check-version`` applies here.