
When using bulk it’s common to track multiple repositories using single config. Here is an example:


- kind: debian
  suite: bionic
  component: your-app-testing
  keep-releases: 1000

- kind: debian
  suite: bionic
  component: your-app
  keep-releases: 1
  match-version: ^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$

This keeps 1000 releases in testing repository. And just one release in stable repository. Where stable release has strict semantic version and all releases are included in testing repository (including stable). Non-stable releases themeselves are probably versioned with git describe yielding versions like this: 1.2.3-34-gde103b3.


Kind of the repository. Only debian is currently supported.
Suite of the repository. For ubuntu it’s usually a release codename such as xenial or bionic.
Component of the repository. Common convention is that it’s a application name (so technically you can put multiple applications in the same repository). Also it may include modifier like -testing or -stable.

Number of releases of the package to keep in this repository. By default all releases are kept (i.e. it’s never cleaned up). Usual debian tools keep exactly one package.

It’s also a good idea to keep two repositories: your-app with keep-releases: 1 and your-app-stable with keep-releases: 100 which keep older packages. The index of the first repository is smaller and faster to download and the latter can be used to downgrade. Note: repositories share a pool of packages so .deb file itself isn’t duplicated for two repositories.


Only add version matching this regex to the repository.

There are two good usecases for the feature:

  1. Sort out testing and stable versions (as in example above)
  2. Use a single bulk repo-add command to add packages for every distro. This works by append something like +bionic1 suffix to a package version and add a respective match-version for that distribution.
This is the same as match-version but is a negative filter. If both are matched skip-version takes precedence.

(default false) When building amd64-only repo also add an empty index for i386 counterpart. This is needed to prevent errors on apt update on systems which are configured to fetch both 64bit and 32bit versions of packages.

For now it’s known that ubuntu precise (12.04) default install only has this problem. So since precise reached its end of life this option is deprecated.